Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Silver Lining?

I really don't like writing about "silver linings." I much prefer to write a lengthy diatribe describing in overly ripe language one or more of the dark, weighty, rain-filled clouds hanging over us: economic collapse, corporate greed, George Bush or any one of the numerous human frailties that we can so readily observe in society. So many things exist that can provoke me into a lengthy rant.
So when I say that there may be a silver lining to the economic disaster generated by greedy corporate gamblers on Wall Street, I do it reluctantly, especially since the avarice displayed by those soulless sociopaths will indubitably result in the suffering and death of thousands of people in the Third World who as part of the "New World Order" either have come to rely on foreign aid or have been forced to turn their meager self-sustaining farms into producers of cash crops which now no one will buy.
The silver lining may be, however, that we will see an end to the kind of thinking that has manipulated the lives of millions of the poor world-wide. Perhaps as well we will see the end of the idea that those in the G7 countries know what is best, that their vision of a world united under some sort of free-trade, unregulated, corporate hegemony is not in fact the way to universal prosperity, but only another attempt by a few to control and profit from the majority.
In addition, North Americans may be forced to think on a smaller, more local, more affordable, more sustainable scale. Smaller cars, smaller houses, more careful choices and greater appreciation for what we have may be the result of many people losing their big cars, big houses and high paying jobs, though as always the people hurt the most will in fact not be the very wealthy but those who can least afford it.
In the mean time, I would encourage everyone to join me in a rant of your own choice. Your displeasure may have an effect if it is loud enough to be heard by the movers and shakers of society, and if not, well, at least it feels good.

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